Lizzard Loves Blue Sky Snow Covered Vail

Monday, August 13, 2012

Europe Fund

I love to travel.


I also love to hoard change like a squirrel hoards acorns. Hence the "Europe Fund 2012" growler! I bought this growler in August of 2011, on a 2 week long road trip. I bought the growler in Columbus, OH at the North Market ( If you've never been (& you have access to Columbus) please take the time to visit! It is chock full of delights; food, beer, wine, shopping, and Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams ( which is perhaps the most delicious ice cream I've ever had.

The growler accompanied me home in a cooler with some freezer packs, so I had a treat to give Chris when I returned! Now onto the growler's rebirth.....

Fast forward 6 months to February/March 2012. Chris & I decide we should take another big trip in August, this time to Europe! The label went on the growler & the saving of all change began.

We leave in 4 days for our 2 week trip and I think it is time for me to cash out our growler full of change. 

Well, we only made it 3/4 of the way full- but hopefully there is enough money in it to buy some wine+cheese in Paris, beer+pretzels in Munich & whatever we feel like in Prague ;)

Bon voyage to us!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Coffee from around the world

I love coffee.

I also love my sister (shocking I'm sure :). 

Organic Coffee from Nepal!
Returning from her trip to Nepal & Bali, my sister carried gifts galore, including some amazingly delicious organic coffee! I support eating locally - I know its good for me & the world, but coffee doesn't grow in why not try some from Nepal?? 

I bought the square glass container for my coffee grounds after my sister brought me the coffee, because I never know where to put the ground coffee........because the bag it came in is full of the beans! My coffee grinder only handles enough beans for 3/4 of a pot, but I like to grind more at one time. Enter my simple new container. 

How do you store your coffee? Do you grind it at home? I'd love any new ideas you all have!

I'm back to my coffee now; it is the best way I can start my day. Thanks again sissy for such a delightful gift from around the world.